Trac VC

Get your copies of this year’s hottest Business Insider articles (at least we think so)!

“Discovering Future Unicorns: Harnessing the Power of AI”, “30 SuperForecasters: The Best Early-Stage Investors”, and “How a Cold Reach-out from a VC
Algorithm Kickstarted Fertility Startup Legacy’s Fundraising Push”


TRAC Capital Comes with Our Predictive Intelligence

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

You will always know:

You will always know:

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

You will always know:

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

You will always know:

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

You will always know:

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

TRAC Capital Comes with Our Predictive Intelligence

You will always know:

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors

Current market valuation

Next round valuation and comps

Dials to increase your valuation

Where you are on the Unicorn path

Your perfect next round investors



  • All
  • AI/ML
  • B2B Hardware
  • B2B Software
  • B2C
  • Dir2Con
  • EdTech
  • FinTech
  • HRTech
  • Media
  • MedTech
  • SpaceTech
  • Web3
  • All
  • AI/ML
  • B2B Hardware
  • B2B Software
  • B2C
  • Dir2Con
  • EdTech
  • FinTech
  • HRTech
  • Media
  • MedTech
  • SpaceTech
  • Web3


Every company creates/emits market signals, even early-stage companies, from the quality of the investors they attract, to the media buzz they create, to the employees they hire, etc. These signals are quantifiable and predictive, and the basis by which we make all our investments. Think “Moneyball for VC”.

We invest in Seed through Series B.

$250K for Seed, $1M-$2M for Series A/B.

Nope! We don’t lead and are happy to follow-on at the terms your lead sets, but occasionally we’ll invest on our own (see below).


We cannot invest more than 20% of the capital in any given round, or 20% of total capital raised to date if we’re investing alone.


TRAC sometimes does invest alone using a SAFE, between the Company’s formal rounds. Founders will often invite us to invest before their next round, in order to start using the customized Intelligence Dashboard we provide to all portfolio companies.

Fast! We ask for a few pieces of data, run those through our algorithm and get you an answer in 3-5 days (or faster).

All of them. If our algorithms tell us to invest, we invest!

We currently invest in companies in North America and Western Europe.

Nope :(. Sorry! Every dashboard is tailored specifically for each portfolio company. 


But we do have a free investor research tool that we share with companies who are able to answer a brief questionnaire.


Click here if you’re interested!

Provide some data. Pass our algorithm. Take our money. Get your custom intelligence dashboard.


Apply here!

Our investment committee is our algorithm. We’re the least interesting part of this equation, but if you insist, we are: Fred, Joe, Mark, Steve, Scott, Brant, and Amber

We’re glad you asked. First off, we love startup founders, the movers and shakers who are solving problems and creating opportunities for us all. Without them, we’d be stuck in the mud. We know that by arming Founders with actionable insights and predictive data TRAC can help improve these companies’ probability of becoming huge successes.


Since 2014, we’ve been harnessing the science of collective intelligence and along the way discovered those market signals that are predictive of future success. It is our mission to share our predictive capabilities with all founders. But like any startup, we need to focus. To walk before we run. So to start, we’re starting on helping few founders with the highest probability of building future unicorns. But over time, it is our mission to assist every founder on the planet, so long that as he/she/they are working to make life better for us all, in some way big or small.


Every company creates/emits market signals, even early-stage companies, from the quality of the investors they attract, to the media buzz they create, to the employees they hire, etc. These signals are quantifiable and predictive, and the basis by which we make all our investments. Think “Moneyball for VC”.

We invest in Seed through Series B.

$250K for Seed, $1M-$2M for Series A/B.

Nope! We don’t lead and are happy to follow-on at the terms your lead sets, but occasionally we’ll invest on our own (see below).


We cannot invest more than 20% of the capital in any given round, or 20% of total capital raised to date if we’re investing alone.


TRAC sometimes does invest alone using a SAFE, between the Company’s formal rounds. Founders will often invite us to invest before their next round, in order to start using the customized Intelligence Dashboard we provide to all portfolio companies.

Fast! We ask for a few pieces of data, run those through our algorithm and get you an answer in 3-5 days (or faster).

All of them. If our algorithms tell us to invest, we invest!

We currently invest in companies in North America and Western Europe.

Nope :(. Sorry! Every dashboard is tailored specifically for each portfolio company. 


But we do have a free investor research tool that we share with companies who are able to answer a brief questionnaire.


Click here if you’re interested!

Provide some data. Pass our algorithm. Take our money. Get your custom intelligence dashboard.


Apply here!

Our investment committee is our algorithm. We’re the least interesting part of this equation, but if you insist, we are: Fred, Joe, Mark, Steve, Scott, Brant, and Amber

We’re glad you asked. First off, we love startup founders, the movers and shakers who are solving problems and creating opportunities for us all. Without them, we’d be stuck in the mud. We know that by arming Founders with actionable insights and predictive data TRAC can help improve these companies’ probability of becoming huge successes.


Since 2014, we’ve been harnessing the science of collective intelligence and along the way discovered those market signals that are predictive of future success. It is our mission to share our predictive capabilities with all founders. But like any startup, we need to focus. To walk before we run. So to start, we’re starting on helping few founders with the highest probability of building future unicorns. But over time, it is our mission to assist every founder on the planet, so long that as he/she/they are working to make life better for us all, in some way big or small.